Louisa County Site Plan
Understanding Zoning Permit Site Plans
WHAT’S A SITE PLAN? A site plan is a scaled drawing, which shows the uses and structures proposed for a parcel of land. It also includes information concerning the landscape features of a given parcel.
WHAT’S THE PURPOSE OF A SITE PLAN? Site plans are intended to show how the intended land use relates to the features of a parcel and its surrounding area. The zoning administrator will review a site plan to assure that the proposed development meets the standards of the zoning code for the district it is located in. This person will also verify that the development will be adequately served by necessary public facilities such as roads, schools, water, emergency services, and sewage disposal. The site plan review process is designed to protect landowners and it is in their best interest to comply with the procedure. A development that is in full compliance with the zoning code had the best insurance against land use lawsuits and complaints. Furthermore, a development that is not in compliance with the zoning code is unlikely to be granted any further development permits until it is brought into compliance.
DO I NEED A SITE PLAN FOR MY DEVELOPMENT? A site plan is needed for any: (1) structure that is erected, reconstructed, enlarged, or altered with the exception of those structures used explicitly for farming uses and only farming uses in its entirety. (2) changes in land use to that other than a farming use. (3) change in occupancy for all uses other than a single-family dwelling or farming uses. Depending on the type of land use, different types of site plans are required.
WHAT TYPE OF SITE PLAN DO I NEED? There are three types of site plans: major, minor, and normal. If you are building or altering a structure that is located on a parcel designated as being a single-family dwelling, you need only submit a normal site plan. A normal site plan shows: 1. The actual dimensions of the lot or tract to built upon. 2. Dimensions between structures. 3. Dimensions between structures and all lot lines. 4. Location of septic and well facilities. 5. Location of driveway. 6. Whether the proposed structure is existing or proposed. 7. The size of the building or structures to be erected. 8. The location of all easements. 9. Any other information, as may be required by the Zoning Administrator. (Most of this information may be found on the survey of the parcel.)
If you are developing a tract of land for multi-family dwelling units, commercial, office, high tech, or industrial use or developing more than one single-family unit at a time (e.g. residential subdivision), then you will need either a major or minor site plan depending upon the characteristics of the development. Contact the Zoning Administrator for further information.
Click here for Site Plan Instructions and Example