Louisa County Years of Service
Length of Service Award to:
Tammy Hayes
20 years
Recorder’s Office
Selena Gerst
15 years
Auditor’s Office
Brad Turner
20 years
Sheriff’s Office
Leanne Black
(not pictured)
20 years
Recorder’s Office
Debbie Moore
(not pictured)
20 years
Assessor’s Office
Length of Service Award to:
Doug Wilson 25 year
Secondary Roads
Joe Bloomberg 15 years
Sheriff’s Office
Mary Gish 15 years
Kirk Bliven 40 years
Secondary Roads
Greg Johnson 25 years Assessor
Length of Service Award to:
Randy Griffin 40 years Secondary Roads – Supervisor
JoEllen Schantz 20 years Secondary Roads
Don Garrett 20 years Secondary Roads
Length of Service Award to:
Adam Caudle 15 years Deputy
Katie Hammond 15 years Conservation
Chad Gimm 15 years Secondary Roads