Louisa County Permit Use
F1 – Flood Plain District:
Bldgs. Permitted: Agriculture bldgs. and structures (but not including permanent dwellings); nurseries and greenhouses.
Land Use Permitted: Agriculture, ball fields, parks, playgrounds, community centers, private recreation areas & facilities, country clubs, golf courses, riding stables, fishing lakes & boatdocks, shooting ranges, gravel pits & stone quarries.
C1 – Conservation District:
Bldgs Permitted: All those in Fl district, plus farm houses and any building or structure used in connection with permitted land uses in C1 dist.
Land Use Permitted: All those in F1 district, plus mining, sanitary land fills, and guest ranches.
Structures permitted: Structures and equipment of mining, or for screening, crushing, mixing, washing, loading or storage of sand or gravel, certain signs, equipment for essential services, but not including buildings.
A1 – Agricultural District:
Bldgs. Permitted: All those in F1 & C1districts, plus churches, chapels, parish houses, schools, public libraries, single family dwellings, roadside stands, private garages, office of physicians, dentists, lawyers, architects, engineers, clergymen or accountant within his dwelling; home occupations such as handcraft, dressmaking, millinery and preserving; and dancing or music school of one pupil at a time, living quarters of persons employed on the premises.
Land Use Permitted: All those permitted in F1 & C1 plus cemeteries, railroad right of way, airports and landing fields, and parking areas.
Structures permitted: All those permitted in C1 plus transformers and booster stations, roadside produce stands, certain signs.
R1 – One & Two Family Residence District:
Bldgs. Permitted: All those permitted in F1, C1, and A1 districts, plus two-family residences.
Land Use Permitted: All uses permitted in F1, C1 & A1 districts plus mobile home parks and trailer courts.
Structures permitted: All those permitted in F1, C1 and A1 plus certain signs.
B1 – Business District:
Bldgs. Permitted: All those permitted in F1, C1 & A1, plus retail business establishments, such as sales, service, repair and supply stores, shop, or establishments, eating or drinking places, recreation rooms, alleys or halls; meeting rooms or halls, hotels and motels, wholesale business, and other business or professional service establishments.
Land Use Permitted: All those permitted in F1, C1 and A1 districts plus public and customer parking lots and drive-in’s.
Structures permitted: Certain signs and billboards.
I1 – Industrial Districts:
Bldgs. Permitted: All uses permitted in F1, C1 A1 and B1 districts (except dwellings and trailers, other than watchmen or caretakers on the premises and except schools, hospitals, clinics and institutions for human care,) and also to include building or contractors plant or storage yard, building material sales & storage, concrete mixing, sale of feed, fuel or fertilizer, automobile salvage & wrecking operations, junk yards, industrial and waste salvage operations.
Land Use Permitted: –see above–
Structures Permitted: Any use or structure engaged in production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing repair or storage of materials, goods or products not previously allowed.