Jailers Application


Attention: Jail Administrator
12635 County Road G-56 Suite 102
Wapello, Iowa 52653

319-523-4371 – phone
319-527-5003- fax


Thank you for your interest in this Office. Attached is an application form you need to complete in order to be considered for employment. The following is information that may be of interest to you.


  1. Applications may be obtained through the Louisa County Sheriff’s Office address listed on the application or at another location if listed in the advertisement. In order to be considered, applications must be complete, signed, and received in the Sheriff’s Office no later than the closing date. Also, applications postmarked on or before the day prior to the closing date will be considered. Applications not meeting the above criteria will not be considered. In addition, applicants not meeting the minimum qualifications for the position will not be considered.
  2. Depending upon the candidates, we may conduct one or more interviews. We may also ask applicants not previously selected for interview to be interviewed if we need more applicants to consider. Interviewed applicants are considered in open competition with each other. Our intent is to select the best candidate for the position based on each candidate’s overall standing in job-related education, experience, training, personal interview results, personal skills, attitude, interest level, and etc.
  3. If you are interviewed and not selected for the position, you will receive a personal telephone call from a member of the interview team or a letter.
  4. If you are not selected for this position, your application will remain active for a period of twelve (12) months. During that period, we may contact you should another opening occur. If you see another opening advertised and you wish to be considered for it, send a written request to the Louisa County Sheriff’s Office stating that you want your application activated for the opening. If you do that, you do not need to submit another application form unless you want to.

Applications may be obtained by pickup at the office, regular mail, county web site or fax.

Work Schedule: Shifts and days off vary, must be able to work weekends and holidays

Thank you for your application!

Jail application